What Can I Expect?
Making An Appointment: When you call (336.758.5273) or come to the UCC (117 Reynolda Hall), our front desk staff will assist you in scheduling an appointment for an Initial Visit. We offer same-day scheduling on a first-come first-served basis.
Your First Visit: Before your first visit to the counseling center you will be asked to spend about 15-20 minutes completing the initial visit paperwork. This will include an informed consent for services, a demographic questionnaire, and a screening instruments that assesses the most common psychological problems experienced by college students.
During your meeting, the clinician will review these materials and spend approximately 45-50 minutes discussing your presenting concerns with you. The clinician will listen to you to hear the issues that have brought you in, make recommendations for the types of services (either on- or off-campus) that might be appropriate to help, and develop a plan for follow up.
Follow Up Visits: The length and frequency of follow up visits to the UCC will be determined in consultation with your counselor. Meetings typically last for either 25 or 45 minutes. Some students find relief by coming for 2-3 sessions to talk about something very specific, while others are unsure about how frequently or for how long they would like to attend sessions. If needed, the UCC will assist a student with connection to an off-campus provider or higher level of care.

Contact Us
117 Reynolda Hall
P.O. Box 7838
Winston Salem, NC 27109
Interactive Campus Map
Phone: 336.758.5273
Fax: 336.758.1991
Email: counselingcenter@wfu.edu
For Life Threatening Emergencies
Call Anytime:
911 or 336.758.5911
To Make An Appointment
Call Us During Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Crisis Assistance
For urgent mental health needs, crisis assistance is available anytime, from anywhere, by calling us at 336.758.5273.