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Dr. Joanne Clinch (Clinical Director of the Student Health Service) and I got to spend a few hours with about 650 of our NewDeac21 parents and families last night in Wait Chapel, right about the time that first-year students were having their floor meetings.  The UCC and partners have been offering this program to new parents and families for over thirty years, and partnering with Dr. Clinch for the last six years has been so much fun.  The program covers a lot of “what to expect” from the first year college experience, and tips for how parents and families can best support their students.  Certainly one of the big themes of the night is allowing their students to stretch, make mistakes, and be there to support but not fix.  Attendees also got the opportunity to mingle with numerous (amazing) Campus Life professionals at the nighttime reception on Hearn Plaza.

You can check out a few photos from the event and the PowerPoint we used below.













