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The University Counseling Center (UCC) recognizes the impact that the COVID-19 public health crisis is having on our campus community and is still available to continue providing services to students of WFU.  However, to protect the welfare of both students and UCC staff, there will be a shift in the way we provide services during this unprecedented event.

  • The UCC is able to provide counseling via a HIPAA-compliant, web-based teletherapy platform for students who are currently in North Carolina  OR who have been seen at the UCC this academic year (June 1, 2019- May 31, 2020)  and reside in one of the states listed below during the suspension of in-person classes. UCC staff are reaching out to students who already access our services to determine their location and their desire for continued care via teletherapy.  Students who have not heard from their therapist can email them directly to schedule a teletherapy appointment.
  • As always, the UCC’s phone line (336-758-5273) will continue to be a crisis line 24/7/365. While UCC staff work from home, if you are in crisis you can call us and press ‘1’ to be connected immediately with an on-call clinician – during business hours and after hours. This service is available and can be accessed by students located anywhere in the world.
  • For students living outside of North Carolina: Several states have made temporary adjustments to the regulations that govern the provision of therapy based on the current state of emergency due to COVID-19. These changes allow fully-licensed clinicians from other states to provide teletherapy to ongoing clients in those states. The Counseling Center is happy to be able to continue offering counseling services for students who have been seen in the UCC this academic year (June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020) if they currently reside in one of the following states:
    • Colorado
    • Connecticut
    • Washington D.C. (capital)
    • Florida
    • Illinois
    • Indiana
    • Nebraska
    • New Jersey
    • Pennsylvania
    • South Carolina
    • South Dakota
    • Utah

Our ability to practice in these states is generally time-limited, and each state’s time limit is different (e.g. for the duration of the state of emergency, 30 days, etc.). Your clinician can explain more to you about how therapy may be impacted by the limitations in your state. 

While most state laws still prohibit UCC staff from seeing new clients from out-of-state, the Counseling Center is still available for consultation and bridging care (i.e. helping students get connected to a therapist in their area) for any WFU student. Not every type of presenting concern is appropriate for teletherapy; and if this is the case for you we can assist you in finding a provider.

It is unlawful for Counseling Center interns to practice counseling across state lines. If you saw an intern and are interested in continuing with someone else at the UCC you can review our staff bios and choose a senior staff member.

To make an appointment:

  1. Call 336-758-5273 and leave a message including your phone number to receive a call back. 
  2. Our staff will contact you and ask about your current location and if you have been seen at the UCC this year (June 1 2019- Present).
  3. Make sure you have installed and can connect to the WFU VPN in order to complete all paperwork for your appointment.

